Bean Climbing Cobra
Excellent quality, great tasting, slender, green beans.
60 seeds
Sowing Guide:
Indoors, April-May. Sow, 2.5cm deep, in individual pots of compost. Place in a light, warm position. Keep the compost moist.
Outdoors, May-early July. Sow, 5cm deep, directly where they are to grow. Sow 2 seeds together, with 30cm between each pair. Gently firm the soil and keep moist.
Get Growing: Seedlings should start to appear in 7-14 days.
Indoor sowings: In late May, place pots outside for a few days to acclimatise plants to outside conditions (avoid late frosts), then plant out to their final positions, 30cm apart. Outdoor sowings: When they are large enough to handle, remove the weaker seedling of each pair. Water well. Keep the soil moist and weed free. Provide support for the plants as they grow larger - bamboo canes are ideal.
Get Harvesting: July-October. Pick regularly to encourage further cropping.